We believe our greatest asset is our team. We value our commitment to diverse perspectives and a culture of inclusion across the firm. A career at MICC means belonging to trusted colleagues, committed mentors, diverse perspectives, and an exciting career journey.

MICC offers unparalleled growth opportunities and career advantages:

  • You will be joining an extraordinary team.
  • You will have a chance to collaborate on exciting, challenging, and rewarding projects.
  • You will have ownership of your work.
  • We offer a multicultural working environment.
  • We support your career and professional development.
  • We value your contribution and passion.

Getting Hired

Thank you for your interest in career opportunities at MICC. The general stages of the application process are as follows:

  1. Application – Look through our job openings at Vacancy page and submit an application as per the instructions.
  2. Aptitude Test – The test will assess the applicant’s analytical, numerical, writing, and emotional intelligence skills.
  3. Interview – We will get to know the applicant better in person and answer questions about the job and our company.
  4. Offer – We will notify the applicants regarding the application decision
What we value from applicants:

Well-formatted one-page resume that outlines education, relevant experience, and achievements Crafted cover letter that provides context to the information on resume, and motivation for joining MICC Understanding of MICC’s operation and experience Genuine interest to join the company and motivation to excel at work


There are no open job vacancies for the moment.

But we are always open to strengthening and diversifying our workforce further and pleased to receive applications from individuals inspired by our values and mission.

If you would like to get considered for our open roles, please submit your resume, cover letter, and official transcript as a merged PDF via e-mail to contact@micc.mn.


Every summer, MICC offers internship opportunity to undergraduate and graduate level students for an 8-12 week period. MICC’s internship program exposes students to MICC’s daily operations and the Mongolian business community. Interns will be given a high level of responsibility on projects. We are always searching for bright and energetic students to join us, and there is potential to convert the internship into a full-time offer based on fit.

MICC Summer Internship 2024 will be announced in advance via this page.

Below are internship review written by our past interns.


MICC Intern
Undrakh Enkh-Amgalan
MICC summer internship 2022
Inha University – Class of 2023 (Major: Global Finance and Banking)
Inha University

The summer internship at MICC was my first hands-on experience in the finance industry. My responsibilities as an intern included research on the MSE Top 20 companies, drafting parts of the equity research paper and business plan, and assisting with other necessary duties. While doing market research, I gained extensive knowledge in the financial, dairy, agriculture, and mining sectors.

Unlike my expectations, MICC entrusted me with tasks from the first day, and gave feedback, allowing me to understand and complete the tasks independently. Furthermore, I was introduced to a friendly work environment, with amazing coworkers. Friday workshops and discussions on personal and professional development were the highlights of my internship, where I got motivated and inspired by the quest speakers as well as my colleaques.

Overall, this internship was the perfect opportunity for me to get out of my comfort zone and get a clearer outlook on my future career path.

MICC Intern
Batkhishig Amartuvshin
MICC summer internship 2022
National University of Mongolia – Class of 2023 (Major: Banking Management)
National University of Mongolia

Throughout my days at MICC, working as an intern has been a challenging but enjoyable experience.

During my internship, I was given duties and subtasks, such as, noting weekly highlights of the market, conducting equity analysis, conducting market studies, assisting my senior colleagues, and performing independent research.

With the moderate difficulty and helpful guidance from supervisors, the experience has become even more rewarding. Apart from the work, it is a must to address the welcoming atmosphere of the office. From weekly open discussions to company dinners, there was a lot of warm space for colleagues to effectively connect with each other. On the whole, I am very grateful for my time at MICC.

MICC Intern
Suvd Tumerjargal
MICC summer internship 2022
Yale University – Class of 2025 (Major: Economics)
Yale University

My journey with MICC as a summer intern has been a very rewarding experience. MICC institutes a work environment that promotes leadership, teamwork, and unity, which has been conducive to my overall learning and development. Through writing brokerage papers, conducting market research, assisting with equity research reports, and helping prepare presentations, I gained a comprehensive understanding of the financial sector in Mongolia and the field of investment banking. I was also given ample opportunities to network with and learn from professionals in the industry, which has helped me strengthen my interpersonal skills.

Highlights of my work experience would include attending training workshops, entertaining guest speakers, and taking part in collaborative games that created strong workplace bonds. However, it is undoubtedly the people at MICC that have made my experience memorable. From making me morning coffee to addressing any concerns I had, they made me always feel welcomed and at ease. I've gained valuable insight during my time here, and I would recommend it to anyone considering.

MICC Intern
Langston Chen
MICC summer internship 2019 alumni
Harvard University – Class of 2021 (Major: Economics)
Harvard University

I had a fantastic experience working at MICC during summer 2019. During my internship, I was given a high level of responsibility right from the start and had the opportunity to work directly with senior bankers on a broad range of interesting projects. Some of my specific day-to-day responsibilities included conducting company/sector research, performing financial analyses, and even attending client meetings, from which I was able to learn a lot about both Mongolia’s business sector and more generally about what working in investment banking is like.

In addition, beyond the work itself, MICC also had great sense of office community, and over the course of summer I had the chance to attend many fun events that MICC hosted such as company dinner, soccer games, and even overnight trip to the Mongolian countryside. Overall, my internship was a very memorable and rewarding experience, and I would absolutely recommend it to anyone considering.

MICC Intern
Tuvshinjargal Battogoo
MICC summer internship 2019 alumni
NYU Shanghai – Class of 2022 (Major: Business and Finance)
NYU - Shanghai University

Unlike many other companies I have interned at, MICC has allowed me to carry out my responsibilities independently and trusted me 100% with the tasks I was given. Some of the tasks that I’ve worked on include; drafting an equity research report, drafting a research report, and assisting my senior colleagues in their perspective projects.

Even though I was carrying out these tasks alone, I was well guided through weekly meetings with my supervisor where I brief my research process and discuss possible improvements and adjustments.  In addition to the professional working environment, MICC had one of the friendliest work environment that has welcomed me fully. There were weekly book discussions and training sessions conducted by everyone and this has helped the team to bond and create a welcoming space.

MICC Intern
Darkhanbayar Radnaa-Ochir
MICC summer internship 2019 alumni
National University of Mongolia – Class of 2021 (Major: Financial Management)
National University of Mongolia

From June to August, I worked at MICC's investment banking division as an intern. As a domestic student, summer internship at MICC was a big challenge for me as there were many things I had to learn. However, it was very beneficial when supervisors guided us and taught very useful things including calculating financial indicators, estimating intrinsic value and working on excel.

Furthermore, I learned new skills from MICC's weekly training and learned to hold open discussion from weekly book discussions. My responsibilities at MICC included gathering data for equity research, writing research report, financial modelling, graphical works and translation works. During my internship, I learned how to effectively communicate with people, how Investment Bank works and I was also able to improve my team-working skills.

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